The 13th World Congress of Semiotics of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS) will be held in Lithuania in June 2017. In this sense, it is my pleasure to invite you to join the roundtable in Cybersemiotics that I’m coordinating whit professor Søren Brier, who has been developing this theoretical proposal from many years now. Since we have to send the roundtable proposal before November 30, we really appreciate if you send us your title and abstract before that date in order to include your participation in the formal document we have to send to the organizing committee. We are sharing whit you a more detailed description of the roundtable we are inviting you. For more details you can visit the congress’ web page at http://isisemiotics.eu/iass2017/.
In addition, it is important to let you know that we are also coordinating the publication of an international book on Cybersemiotics that will be published both in English and Spanish. The book, “Introduction to Cybersemiotics”, is an attempt to integrate the work done so far on this theoretical approach in many fields, research areas, geographical contexts, and by many scholars. The idea is to prepare a book chapter and discuss it in the roundtable we are inviting you. Please send your abstract proposal to morocoi@yahoo.com.
Best regards,
Carlos Vidales
University of Guadalajara (Mexico)
Søren Brier
Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)