Full program / Programme complet / Programa completo / Komplettes Programm
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Abstract book / Résumés / Libro de resúmenes / Abstractband
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Academic events in conjunction / Événements académiques en conjunction / Eventos académicos en conjunción / Akademische Veranstaltungen in Verbindung
Nordic-Baltic links, networks and domains in semiotics and beyond
10th Conference of the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies (NASS)
Translations, Translating, and Translators: Creating Signs and Sign Systems of Similarity and Difference
13th Symposium on Semiotics and Translation SemTra2017
Key-note speakers / Communications clés / Ponentes plenarios / Hauptredner
Birutė Galdikas, Simon Fraser University
Anthropologist, ethologist, environmentalist and writer, Prof. Galdikas is a world leading authority in interspecific communication, after her groundbreaking field study in primatology. Among her many recognitions and awards: the Officer of the Order of Canada, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, the Indonesia’s Hero for the Earth Award, the United Nations Global 500 Award, the Elizabeth II Commemorative Medal, the Eddie Bauer Hero of the Earth, the PETA Humanitarian Award, the Sierra Club Chico Mendes Award, and the key to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Paolo Fabbri, LUISS University, Rome, Italy
Jacques Fontanille, Université de Limoges, France
Eric Landowski, Institut d’études politiques de Paris, France
Massimo Leone, University of Turin, Italy
La sémiotique aujourd’hui : témoin ou acteur ? / Semiotics today: witness or actor?
Plenary roundtable in honor of AJ Greimas’s 100th anniversary
Luis Emilio Bruni, President of NASS, Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies
Paul Cobley, President of IASS-AIS, International Association for Semiotic Studies
Jose Enrique Finol, Vice-president of IASS-AIS, International Association for Semiotic Studies; Scientific director of the next IASS-AIS World Congress
Dario Martinelli, Director of ISI, International Semiotics Institute; Scientific director of this IASS-AIS World Congress
The state of the art of semiotics
Plenary roundtable to wrap up the congress and plan the near future.
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“Semiotics and its masters” lectures
Søren Brier, Copenhagen Business School
Jacques Fontanille, Université de Limoges
Eric Landowski, Institut d’études politiques de Paris
Timo Maran, University of Tartu
Francesco Marsciani, University of Bologna
Gianfranco Marrone, University of Palermo
Kęstutis Nastopka, Vilnius University
Andrew Stables, University of Roehampton
Gino Stefani, University of Roma Tor Vergata
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