Priority Reading

  • Brier, S. (2013). "Cybersemiotics: Why Information is Not Enough". First published in 2008 at Toronto University Press and again in 2010 and 2013 with small corrections. READ THAT FIRST! YOU NEED TWO MONTHS!

  • Cobley, Paul: “Second-order thinking, first-class reasoning”. Signs 3, pp. 69-107 (2010; ISSN: 1902-8822. (11,000 words) A deep review of: Cybersemiotics: Why Information is not Enough. This is a good overview and discussion of the book. The best review produced.

  • Thellefsen et al (2011). "From First to Third via Cybersemiotics: A Festschrift Honoring Professor Søren Brier on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday" (Scandinavian Book, 2011; 978-87-7071-028-3), Copenhagen: SL books.

The book can be purchased at:

In this unique book there are chapters by Ole Nedergaard Thomsen, Paul Cobley, Winfried Nöth and Lucia Santaella, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Philip Guddemi and Marcel Danesi developing and commenting on Cybersemiotics plus two chapters by Thellefsen and Bent Sørensen on Peirce’s philosophy.

Each lecturer will present an article to every one for reading before the course.
